Master Model Railroader

"An NMRA member qualifies as a Master Model Railroader when he or she has obtained at least seven of the eleven Achievement Certificates provided that he or she has earned at least one Achievement Certificate in each of the four areas of the Regulations. Earning the title of Master Model Railroader is the ultimate goal for many participants in the Achievement Program."

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Structure Model 5 - Saloon ca. 1880

After the success with a wooden structure I wanted to build a house board-by-board.

I used the plan of one of my Alpine Models cardboard kits for the dimensions of the building and decided on a false front saloon ca. 1880.

First I constructed a frame from strip wood

Than I glued stripwood onto the frame each board overlapping the other

Then I assembled the 4 walls, roof and porch

Painted, weathered and applied dry transfers

To show how I had build up the walls, the structure had to be removable, but then it lacked an interior. So I decided to include a counter and some tables, stove, chimney etc.

The saloon scored 93 points

Construction: 30/40
Detail: 18/20
Conformity: 13/25
Finish: 20/25
Scratchbuilding: 12/15

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